P.O. Box facility 9493 Mauren FL

Weiherring 10
9493 Mauren FL

You can apply to open a P.O. Box either at the post office counter or online

Opening hours

Today’s opening hours

P.O. Box

Open: Closes in 10h 14min (22.00)

Opening hours in the next 7 days

DateP.O. Box

Mo, 30.12.24

05.00 - 22.00

Tu, 31.12.24

05.00 - 22.00

We, 01.01.25

05.00 - 22.00

Th, 02.01.25

05.00 - 22.00

Fr, 03.01.25

05.00 - 22.00

Sa, 04.01.25

05.00 - 22.00

Su, 05.01.25

05.00 - 22.00